
Yesterday you said tomorrow.

{Church} {Free Produce} {Vegan’s Dream}


Saturday 11:00am – 3:00pm

This is the lovely sign that was stapled in front of a church near my abode.  As my mum and I drove home from soccer practice this past Thursday, it caught my attention. “Free Produce! ..Mum, Free Produce! Saturday. Gotta hop on that!”  That was the basic gist of my exclamatory response.

Gotta love church.

Thus today, after work, I hopped in my mum’s red  vehicle and teetered my way over to this church.  I didn’t expect what I received. My mum kept saying that there would be nothing left – gosh, so negative.  I on the other hand denied her pessimistic thoughts and carried on in vegan happy land. { In case you were wondering, vegan happy land is a place where all vegans abide, unless you are one of the lost vegans, don’t worry, you’ll find this place soon(; }  I waltz in, sign my name, and the guy (nice guy) starts filling my bag up with sweet potatoes.  And I mean filling up.  Picture a large box filled with sweet potatoes and the guy giving me half of what is in that box.  Next come the peaches.  So many peaches.  Then a huge bag of collards.  And a grocery bag full of green beans.  Plus one huge red cabbage.  A man, with whom I have a lovely little chat, helps me carry these wonderful delights to my mum’s red vehicle, but when I get there, she’s gone 😮  That lady went inside..and they gave her more stuff! Now picture everything I got – DOUBLED (except for the red cabbage).  After I painstakingly carried everything into the house, I began to get overwhelmed. I love fruit.  I love vegetables. But how am I going to eat all of this before it goes bad?!  

I decided to eat one of the peaches – the largest one (;  it was so goood.  Nothing more relaxing than peach juice dribbling its way down one’s chin.

Well the peaches were all ripe and most had some bad spots on them.  Thus I put half of what I got into a big bowl, and the other half I washed and cut up, trashing the bad pieces.  I put the cut up peaches into a large Gladware container. That was all that I could deal with at the time.   I’ll make a peach cobbler this coming week.  I’m tired. It took me like 20 minutes to cut the peaches, separate what was good and what was bad, and put them all into the tupperware. I put the sweet potatoes to the side along with the green beans, and fridged the collards.

I did make myself a tasty salad(:  Took some collard green leaves, kale leaves (already purchased from JUMBO),  tasty chili and black bean salsa that I recently made, peach slices and lime juice, and created a delicious concoction.  I call it LUNCH.


2 comments on “{Church} {Free Produce} {Vegan’s Dream}

  1. adrienne
    September 5, 2012

    Hooray for fresh produce! One of the great things about summer gardens is that folks usually have so much they can SHARE. My neighbor gave me some gorgeous heirloom tomatoes a little earlier in the summer, but its production slowed down and I haven’t seen any recently. Thankfully I drive for a CSA program on Wednesdays and receive a basket each week in trade for doing so!

    Your salad, chili and salsa sound divine!

    • ericathevegan
      September 5, 2012

      It was. It was (referencing to the salad,chili, and salsa).
      And yeah, I need to find out where all of my local gardeners and farmers abide or create a garden myself. We used to have a garden when I was a little girl and I would go outside to get tomatoes and such for us to use (good memories). And a few years ago I had my own tomato garden, but that was short lived. I shall start again sometime(:

      Oh and thanks for your comment, Adrienne.

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